Wednesday, February 1, 2012

FEB Pastoral Letter

Seek First the Kingdom, and His Righteousness
                               Matt 6:33                          
In this issue:

*  Focus points from Rev 2 - church at Pergamos
*  Persecution of new converts - Burnings in E. India
*  Fasting and Prayer - Bro Wachana
*  Updates and a few letters
*  Reminder that the PL is now on line here--24/7

We at FBF would like to Thank you again for your prayers and encouragements as the Teams in East, Central and Western Africa are experiencing many advances and serious revival that continues in the East and Central sections... all Glory to God!  East India continues to open up new territories with the Gospel, and the Open Air preach continues in the US.  All teams are training new recruits at this time.  We thank the LORD for the good work of participating with His Kingdom advance... and with all His Church Bride  who is eagerly awaiting His soon return.  This is the hour for all of God’s children to ‘rise up’ for the gospel of Jesus Christ!  Amen.

The focus of the Pastoral Letter (PL) will be along the lines of generally encouraging brethren to establish more of Christ in our lives, promoting the Kingdom of God where ever we go, mission updates (Africa, India, US), missions reports, focus points, teaching, exposition, a short list of mail-ins (with some excerpts).  We are committed to the Great Co-Mission for all, as being salt and light are not an option Matt 5:13-16 ...  and continue to bless all those who are at work in the advancement of the Kingdom of God... for Jesus sake.   Matt 6.33 
May the LORD leave His richest blessings upon each one of you as you Press On with Jesus!

Consecration and the Heart of God

Balaam’s teaching... and the Heart of God  Rev 2:12 ff
Personal Gain... or corporate meaning?
Lessons from Pergamos/ Balaam / Nicolaitans    (heresies and kindling the wrath of God)

Judgment begins at the house of God... so that the Church is NOT judged with the world.  One of the greatest privileges of the Church, is that the LORD Jesus wants to finish what He has begun in His children... the children of God.  He pours out extreme mercy and grace... with all His corrections, that we, His church might get right, repent, and stay right with Him... to the end!  HE that overcomes!!!  This is the word of the LORD going out to His faithful church today.  He has called us unto Holiness.... a Holiness without which none shall see The LORD.
The question might well be asked:  what is on the top of your heart today?  What is the single largest concern of your affections at this very moment?  What dominates your desires just now?

This teaching is for the those who HUNGER for the word of God!  Who treasure every nuance or vibration from God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit... that they might grow thereby!  That when they set their head down to sleep, they are concerned for the next prompting of God, that they might hear HIM!  That when they arise, they might hear Him!  Amen.   This is the child of God today.   In the midst of a dark generation... they want to hear Jesus!  Today... there is a struggle to keep our spiritual balance in a very dark world.  WE must guard the affections of our heart!  For the direction of your heart will be the things you hear the most.. because that’s what you are listening for!  That’s where you have set your affections!  Amen.

He that has an ear... let him or her hear what the Spirit is saying to the church today.  For only those who love the LORD and love His word, and love His church Body at large... are going to hear. 

This is an unfolding on the doctrine of Balaam  (Num 22)  and 5 areas we need to be cautious about in our hearts.

Balaam had pitched his tent just across the river from the Moabites... like Lot—who pitched his tent a little too close to Sodom!  King Balak comes from across the river to make a proposition to Balaam to curse Israel so that they would not be such a force.

Balaam asks YHWH God... and He said:  “Don’t go!  vs. 12       Again, Balaam wants to go a 2nd time, (vs 20) and asks the LORD... and He says: “Go... but speak only my words.”   God knew the affections of Balaam’s heart... that he wanted to go, and receive some sort of personal gain for himself from the Moabite King.

The scriptures tell us that Balaam was a ‘perverse’ man (head-long and self-willed)... who, in his heart was after the riches of King Balak.  God could see his heart, and tried to warn Balaam that he was not to go in that direction.

The LORD sent an angel to interrupt the plans of of Balaam for His wrath was kindled against him!  As you know the story, while riding on the road Balaam beats his donkey 3 times (21-35)... who saved Balaam’s life by not stepping into the path of the Angel of the YHWH God.  If the donkey would have just gone forward, the Sword of the LORD would have fallen on Balaam!  The donkey had great mercy upon her owner... as unrighteous as he was.

When the LORD had opened the eyes of Balaam, and saw the Angel of the LORD with His sword drawn, he confessed he had sinned... but did not repent, as the rest of the narrative plainly lays out.  Three times Balaam entertains Balak, but was not free to speak a curse on Israel... so Balaam devises a plan ‘to teach’ Balak how to move Israel into a problem with YHWH God, so that He would have to judge Israel!  Israel did not forsake the LORD, but did join himself to the god’s of Moab... which kindled the wrath of God against them.  Many are making this same error today!

Balaam eventually got what he was looking for... reward and personal gain from Balak, the Moabite king...  Balaam later paid the ultimate price for his wickedness... a sure death and hell forever.  All because he started using the people and things of God to obtain personal gain.  This error will not go unpunished.

What is at stake here is the affections of the heart.  Regarding Israel—the LORD is perfectly jealous for the heart of His people!  PS 78.58  
YHWH God went to great measures to release Israel from the grip of Egypt, so that He could have a people who would CONSECRATE themselves for Him alone!  He would give them a land flowing with milk and honey... the land of Promise!  Amen. 
Why did He do all this?  Why did He make creation?  All for His creature man... made in His image and likeness... a place for man to live and move and have YHWH God’s being within them... and to commune with their maker.  Praise the LORD!  God’s people are the center piece of His creation.

What He desires most, is a people who are jealous for a consecrated heart – a holy heart after God!  To live a consecrated life... to Him and His purposes.  Let us learn that YHWH God is JEALOUS over his creation man.... and ALL his affections, love and cravings of the heart.

It’s when the LORD JESUS is NOT at the top of the list, that things begin to go crazy... and the LORD is first to know about it!  Remember... as a saved people, there is a love covenant made in salvation.  All Saints are very married to Jesus Christ... great mystery and blessing that it is.  The LORD will never take kindly to those who will add others to His Marriage! True saints need no other!  Amen.  They are consecrated unto YHWH.  They love to be with Jesus... and hear Him!

When the heart wanders, the Holy Spirit will continue to speak to us for a course correction...  For... if the LORD speaks to us, and the heart find ways not to obey Him... then the heart begins to be hardened, as the LORD repeats Himself over and over... until the heart is hard.  Then there is judgment.  Sometimes suffering loss!  But the LORD never gave up on Israel, and He will not give up on His True Church who repents... and overcomes by the Blood of Jesus!  Amen.

So where is your heart today?
Do you HUNGER for the Truth as it is in Christ Jesus?
Or... like Balaam, are you using the church of God to prosper yourself with the riches of this life?  My friend, we can not have it both ways.  Either we serve one master or the other... but never both!  Man can not serve two masters.

The Nicolaitans did the same thing.  Only they created another ‘hierarchy’ to be another governing body (undue influence) between the Church and God!  Nico – rulers  over the Laity – people of God... Nicolaitans.  Why did people follow these heretics?  Because, like Balaam, they lowered the standards of God, and made provision to sin concerning sexual immorality, and “MIXING the Pagan feast’s with the feast’s that belonged only to YHWH God alone!  The God of the bible is a JEALOUS God... and He will not share His Bride with anyone else!  Amen. 

God plus the world will never work.  Just like the church at Pergamos and Laodicea... with compromise and mixture, comes loss of power and blessing... just like Samson!  Oh... may we take real care, and come to the LORD in humility to search and try our hearts... and turn again unto the LORD from ALL forms of Mixture!  Holiness is One thing.  Mixture is many things, divided interests... that merely include God as just one part of the hearts affections.  LORD, be merciful as we repent on this very serious matter.

Christians must be a holy, consecrated people... given to His service.  That is the Bride of Christ indeed. 
1 Peter 1:15-16
James, the half brother of Jesus said:  Friendship with the world, is ENMITY with God!  James starts out that verse in Chapter 4:4  (4-10) ...  YE ADULTERERS AND ADULTERESSES, know you not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God?  Do you think the scriptures says in vain, ‘the spirit that dwells in us lusts to envy?’  Yes... the LORD is a jealous God when it comes to the hearts of people... the church-Bride of Christ.

Let us then be about the work of SEPARATING the world from our faith and life in Christ!.. that is, separated TO God... and separated FROM the world.    John 17:13-18  Sanctify them... keep them from the world.

Question:  What is the tool that most keeps us sanctified?   THE WORD!
Worldly believers have relaxed the word.  If we are separated from the world... we are called to a ministry that speaks to the world.  The Word of God needs to go where it is needed most.
Like Balaam and the Nicolaitans, many worldly professors of Christ have relaxed the word...
... and yet, born-again believers have been separated from the world... and called to a ministry to SPEAK the Word to a lost and dying world!  Amen.

What happens when the salt has lost it’s savor?  Jesus says it is no longer good for anything but to be thrown out in the road and trampled on by men... Matt 5:13.  It is very important for the Church today to come back to doing the things that Jesus asked us to do... which will not happen unless we let go of all worldly ambitions and schemes!  Amen.  Luke 16... no servant can serve two masters!... it’s impossible!
That which is highly esteemed of men, is an abomination to God!  Just look at all things, events and idols the world esteems!  (sports, TV, video games, stock markets, treasures of money, entertainments of all kinds, big homes, big lands, big jobs, big cars... etc.)
When Israel joined itself to the world of Moab, there was GREAT loss!  All mixture is un-Holy!

5 areas of application in closing:

1 - The Consecrated Heart—is contentment with God and with the Life you have with Him.
The world is NOT content with things... always moving on with plans and schemes to get ahead in the world... like constantly expanding your business, to be bigger and better!  Some pastor’s do that with their church building.

Hebrews 13:5 Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.
The human heart is never content ... always anting more!  Better clothing, better computer, bigger cars,  better house... perhaps a better wife!  (Lord, make people desperate for the Truth!).   But, while saints travel through the world, they must become content with the LORD’S provisions.

Let us remember how Israel going through the deserts to the promised land never experienced clothes or shoes wearing out... a true provision of His hand.   Deut  29:5

2 - The Consecration of our time on earth

May it be to LIVE our lives to the Glory of God!  Amen.  Why?  Because we only have so much time allotted to us... to build and grow in the grace and the knowledge of the LORD Jesus Christ.  Yes—Life is SHORT!  And eternity is mighty LONG!
Are you really ready to see Jesus on His Throne?   Or are you still wasting precious time here and there?
The average American spends 5 hours a day watching TV!... watching the world of Moab!  Sports, movies,  games, hobbies...
Moab represents Mixture!  Mixing YHWH with the World!  It’s like trying to mix oil and water... it really can’t be done very easily.
But when a person joins Christ Jesus in His Kingdom, it is the WORD that perfects us in our activities.

2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:  3:17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

The people of God will be consumed with the WORKS OF GOD... which He has for ordained that we should walk in them.  Amen.   That is the highest and best way to use our time wisely... REDEEMING THE TIME!  Ephes 5:15-17  These are the perfect works that He desires.
Here’s the problem for those who join ‘time-wasters:’      THEY STEAL YOUR AFFECTIONS... AND TIME!  Ask any sports fan!  Ask any hunter!  Ask any hobbyist!  Ask any kind of ADDICT!  That’s where they spend most of their free time and thinking... not to mention their heart AFFECTIONS! 
The bible calls that kind of activity = Idolatry.
They all have the same affect... IT STEALS YOUR CONSECRATION FROM THE LORD!
The nation Israel did NOT forsake the YHWH God... but joined Him to the world of Baal Peor... Moab and their god’s.  YHWH had to leave.

3 - Consecrated dressing

Moderate, modest and simple... these are NOT the ways of the world.  Indeed, the world does NOT teach these values!  In the world, outward beauty, fashion and FAME are most admired and sought out.
What is the nature and character of the attire and clothing you seek after in this life?  A good question for us all.
In the Word, we are taught that our fulfillment and satisfaction is found in adopting the Character of Christ, His attitudes (Beatitudes  Matt. 5) and reflecting His Glory... the Glory of Kingdom life in Christ!  Amen.
The Bride of Christ is ‘arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.  Blessed are they that are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb.’  Rev 19:8-9
But for the mother of harlots, she is ‘arrayed in purple and scarlet color, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of ABOMINATIONS and the filthiness of her fornication's.’   Rev 17:4  These are the things that are highly esteemed of men! 

Today, there is so much stress on immodest, tight or very bare dressing!  Like so called swim wear... it can only be called the un-dressing of the bodies... for loose, fashion’s sake... and following the ways of the world.  These are the things found in the media, movies, games, and passions of the world... all without Christ Jesus as Lord.  What should our dress be conformed to?  The things of this life.. or of the Life to come, lived out before the Presence of the LORD?
May the Church Bride of Christ ever be found following after the ways and means of Jesus, preparing as a bride for her wedding, with heart affections and cares set upon Him.

4 - Consecrated worship and music

All saints are called to make melody in their hearts... UNTO GOD!  Amen.
Worldly music is much different!  Very sensual, loud and suggestive!  (Rock, country, rap)... or mindless, as to written just for ‘entertainment’ and without any care or direction at all.  These are highly esteemed of the world.

Then there is this thing called Christian rock!..  And variations of the same.
Consider:  would it be a good thing to ‘yoke together’ the things of the world (rock) with the words of Christ?  Does that go to far... as people love to dance and party, indulge and play to the tune of the world... and somehow having the words of Jesus may not send the right message... at least not with the right force or priority.

2 Cor. 6:14 tells us not to be unevenly yoked to the world!  Can it be done in song?
The Greek word ‘sym phonia’ or symphony in English... meaning to have in concord with another, or the ‘blending of sounds’ into one.
Question:  What symphony has God with the world?  Can we blend that which is Holy with that which is profane?  May we be so careful with anything that fits into this category!  Our God is a Jealous God... and that will not change anytime soon.  The LORD is Jealous over your affections regarding His service, His Love, His desires, and all worship towards Him.  Amen.

5 - Consecrated bodies - tabernacles

Our bodies are mobile alters... consecrated vessels of honor to hold and pour out Christ Jesus and His words at any time!  Amen.  This is the honor that we hold.

“I beseech you brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service of worship.”  Rom 12:1-2

What are the kind of things that we use our bodies for?  This is a good meditation.  Balaam used his body to get things for himself.  The Nicolaitans used their bodies for fornication and excesses against the word of God.  Sports – many bodies get abused and broken at an early age, not having the strength or flexibility in later life to carry one about for the gospel’s sake.  All of us can use our bodies to sin... and at all levels, this has to change.  For example, our lips were made to speak the Words of Truth... not a lie or deception... and we could go on and on... but all to say that as Saints, our bodies are no longer our own... we share them with a Holy God and a Holy Spirit!  Their many functions must be consecrated for Kingdom uses.  This will bring much Glory to God.  This is when Jesus steps in to minister through His saints.

So let us NOT be conformed to the world... to win the world!  Don’t be like a Samson, who wasted so much of his life and body... trying to get things from the world.  Or like Balaam, who tried to get material wealth from this world.  Ultimately, it will hurt you... and the body of Christ.

Let the world see the followers of Christ as something that has a cost in pursuing another Kingdom... and be afraid to join the living church (Acts 5) who shows forth a consecrated life, and the power of God in their lives.  Let our lives as the living Church be a calling back the purity and purposes of the life of Christ in us... that the world may see the difference... and give Glory to God.  This is the possession of the saints who walk with the Deity of Almighty God!

All need to repent!  All need to be overcomers!  Rev 2-3 
What is the LORD Jesus trying to say about consecration?  What lessons can we learn from the teaching of Pergamos?

The LORD wants a separated people!  A Bride without sport, wrinkle or blemishes... who has more invested in the life with Jesus, and has turned from being so consumed and occupied with the things of this life.  Lord... make us Holy unto you.

                Lord Jesus, please... show us where we have joined with the world... that we may repent.  Help me to work it out in my own heart and life, that I may be an overcomer... and have favor and greater fellowship with You.  Lord we pray... that in all we do—You may be Glorified... in Jesus Name.  Amen
                                                                                                                Bro Jerry M and Bro Robert 

Hindus persecute new Believers!

Report From Bro Prasanna 

Hindu family converts – House burns down:

“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? 36 As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us”.

 Romans 8: 35 – 37.

“Fanatic hindus burned our poor dear Christian houses. Burned her poor thatched dwelling shed, left ash only, lost every thing, just stood and remained with the wearied dress only.” Most gracious and loving Face book Friends and Mission Supporters, Dear Beloved one, it was, happened by the fanatic people of these families, a great plot of opposite people, cause of just they accepted Jesus Christ as her personal life from a community ,  who never like Christ and Christians. 

These belongs to a special community, from the community no one accepted the Christ, and never allowed to go the church and never to speak with Christians and never allow to come the servant of God in their streets Or house. At any cost. But the sovereign Lord has called her from that strict community and they confess their sins and accepted the lord Jesus as her personal Savior and recently Baptism given to them and last week some Hindu fanatic people came to their houses and warren they not to accept Jesus if not they do harm them and they said and it was the religion of the LOW CAST PEOPLE etc... But they don’t want to leave Jesus and they saw great things Jesus had done for them. In these great reasons this poor family only faithful to God and coming to church and attends for every Christian activities from the community. And from whole area colony this families only comes to church.

In this great tribulation they were stood firm for Christ and the Christ never leave them. Praise be to God. Yesterday some people came put fire the thatched shed while these people went to work and after came back nothing is left for them to take and some neighbouring people came try to some of things and try to quiches fire but it was late for them. But they lost every thing, nothing left .All their cloths, and tools, and rice and everything thing just they left with empty hands.

While the burning the thatched shed no one shown the kind compassion to call the fire Engine too. Such a Envy and angry kept in the heart of the people, specially on this family and on Jesus Christ. When I came to know these things and myself and my sons went to help them as we can able and try to stop fire and for us also it is late for us. Our heart is broken for them Brought them into my house as the shelter till they get (Or) plant the thatched shed.

Please keep in your prayers for these poor Christian families so that God may provide more comfort and restore whatever they lose. Please show your love and kindness towards your brothers in Jesus Christ.  They need our prayers and much more...
 Your brother in Jesus Christ.


Greetings from all the saints in Uganda. Back to us we are doing well in every thing concerning the ministry. We write this letter from the deepest f our love to you.
First we would like to appreciate the love you have towards us, your coming in Uganda last time was challenging. We did not expect that you would be down to earth to the extend of sleeping together with us in a small and semi-permanent house.

We were worried that you would be sick because of the poor living conditions, but glory is to God that he kept you safe. For Gods sake may the lord bless you.
Secondly, concerning your life and obstacles you are passing through, for sure we are praying so much for you. You are our eye of the ministries. We have put you in our prayer request in the morning prayers daily from 05:00am to 06:20am and in the prayer and fasting retreat. We are also praying that god open the way where there is no way so that you get funds for the regional people, things that concern FBF and the ministry and safe journey as you come back to Uganda to work with us then back to Kampala, noted easier in some letter you wrote to us.

Below is our procedure of our fasting and prayer;
Prayer is often connected with fasting in the bible. As when Nehemia on hearing of the ruin of Jerusalem; continued fasting and praying before the God of heaven ( Neh: 1:4, or when the Jews learned of the decree of Ahasuems that they would all believed and there was great mourning among the Jews, with fasting and weeping and lamenting ( Esth. 4:3) at other timed fasting is connected with repentance, for God says to the people who have sinned against him, yet even now, says the lord, return to me with all your heart, with fasting with weeping and with mourning. (Joel.2; 12)

In the new testament, Anna was “worshiping with fasting and prayer night and day” (Luke;2:37) in the temple, and the church at Antioch was worshiping the lord and fasting when the holy spirit said, “then after fasting and praying they laid their hands on them and sent them off”( Acts 13:3). In fact, fasting was a routine of seeking the lords guidance with regard to church officers, for on Paul’s first missionary journey, we read that he and Barnabas, as they traveled back through the churches they had founded,” appointed elder for them in every church, with prayer and fasting (Acts 14:23) In each of these situations, several benefits come from fasting all of which affect our relationship to God.

  1. Fasting increases our sense of humanity and dependence on the lord (for our hunger and physical weakness continually remind us how we are not really strong in ourselves but need the lord.
  2. Fasting allows us to give more attention to prayer (for we are not spending time on eating and it is a conditional reminder that, just as we sacrifice all of ourselves to him.
  3. Fasting is a good exercise in self-discipline, for as we retain from eating food, which we would ordinally desire it also strengthens our ability to retain from sin to which we might otherwise be tempted to yield. If we train ourselves to accept the small “ suffering” of fasting willingly, we will be better able to accept other suffering for the sake of righteousness ( Heb. 5:8: 1Peter 4:1-2)
  4. There are many things that the Holy Spirit will bring to us only in the place of prayer and fasting, being separated from food, and living in the Spirit.

Brother Robert may our lord Jesus Christ, preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth, and even forevermore ( Psalm 12:1: 1-8)
Praise the lord = Mukama Yebazibwe
Yours in Christ
Brother Wachana – Uganda Regional 

Updates and a few letters

Bro Newking:  Nigeria Report - West Africa Regional
Ikorodu Lagos Outreach
FBF preaching team increased by seven others; brothers Kotun, I. K. James, Uzodinma, Emmanuel, Okwori, Ajayi and Sister Lilian
Ikorodu is a different town. A little far off from where most of us reside. It is a place where most of the indigenes still practice idolatry. The general lifestyle here is unfriendly and weird. But every one of us has been commissioned and empowered by the Holy Spirit with God’s love and authority. The gospel is preached vehemently. The danger of sin and its eternal damnation were emphasized, persuading people in the heavy traffic to repent and be saved. Our bull horns pierced through the noisy atmosphere of passerby and vehicles. We had enough gospel tracts to share freely. There was excellent response. A man who read our banner came close and spoke “we all need Jesus.” We interacted with few persons, whom we also prayed with at last. The Lord Jesus definitely won their hearts. God gave us a miracle as the rains which were threatening this morning, stopped from falling, giving us refreshing weather. We ended our preaching in a brief fellowship with prayers and sharing some fruits. As we departed, we rejoiced that God found us worthy through the blood of the Lamb to spread the good news.
Brother Newking 
School Preach Report

visits a government high school, here in Ogijo, Ogun State, Nigeria, as visiting secretary. The gospel is preached to students. Over two thousand students (and teachers inclusive) hear this good news once a week. The needs of these students vary from spiritual, moral to material and finance.

They have responded to the gospel with much attention and this great open door continues. Let all FBF members pray for more revival in our community through the students to transform every other person with their new lifestyle in Christ Jesus.    

DR Congo – Bro Didi ... scheduled outreach and proactive agenda for 2012
Dear Bro Robert,

The year 2011 is passed, now we have entered 2012 with a work goal. It is a year of success and growth.
Three weeks are scheduled for soul winning outreaches:
1. From 26 March to 01 April
2. From 26 June to 1st July
3. From 1st October

All these evangelism events will be held in Kyeshero Quarter, and the result will be the planting of a church.

This year we will be very busy in the ministry. Our ministry progress is ti be evident this year. That's the will of God. Success in the Kingdom!

Otherwise,we are doing fine with the whole family and the church inspite the many challenges in the ministry.


Bro Patrick encourages from Rwanda:
Every "little achievement" in the eyes of man is not supposedly small in God's sight. Neither does "no achievement" before men mean nothing before God. God makes the WHOLE heaven rejoice over one mortal man's conversion. One compliance by Jonah made the whole city SAVED. No one knew exactly what would happen next after the message was delivered. But the God of thunder can determine what the toil of the sons of thunder can produce even when we don't see it or understand it. Be consistent brothers and sisters in doing the work of the Lord, there's more light at the end of the tunnel. Our labors shall accompany us one day. Some will be amazed seeing the crown they never expected!


FBF Sons of Thunder appreciates all that write in to share what the LORD is doing in and through the ministries in their area... we support all those Open Air preachers, teachers and evangelists that are ‘doing the work’... and planting churches to maintain new converts. In ALL these things—we endeavor to please the LORD. 

Here is their story:

East Africa, Bro Amos encourages....

Its great to hear from you brother Robert,its as burning in my heart as fire,I wish I could get you and share the word face to face.

let me tell you these three things to forget not in a christian life; nothing else but living with Definate purpose,Persistance,a burning Desire for their translation into facts.Through the combination of the three we should reach far inthe Gosple field.

Never quit just for the temporary defeate but let yuor/our bulldog determination, yuor persistance in standing back of a single desire is destine to mow down all oppositions and bring us into the gates of glory of God.


Kenya, Bro Ben, FBF Bungoma

Am there my Bro!
I wanted to some Brethren to Nakuru and didn't have
money so I went home to sell some maize, we went there 5 people and
just came back today after being there for 3 days. Guys there liked
fbf very much and 2 bishops surrendered to Christ and joined fbf. Also
my phone got spoiled so I take sometime before browsing. Otherwise I
love you and your teaching Bro! If you call or sms me I will respond
immediately as I look for another phone. God bless you, Shalom ~ Ben

Bro Isaac on mission to Burundi
Hi Robert,
Dear Father, thank you for the  blessing & projection during my Dec mission. It's was so power & I felt the move of the Holy Spirit, the Burundians percieved the message of the cross Jesus with alot of meekness & humility and harvest is plenty but labourer are few.
Lot's of regards from Nancy my fiancee and I, we're privileged to make it to a new year 2012.
We are planning our marriage soon and we appreciate your advice and encouragement.
The meek is greater but so is our God.
Isaac, Kisumu.

Kampala Uganda, Bro Steve preaches and teaches the street children in slums

wow dear dad, it's a long time since we last communicated yet all is                      
well, i have been up and down since today was my graduation day trying
to put a little few things here and there and it went on so
successfully i graduated with a  bachelor's degree in Human Resource
management, i bless God who has beeen so faithfull all my introductory
academic life, i have been gathering a group of photos from the street
children whom we reach out to here in kampala, from namuwomgo, kisenyi
and wamdegheya alll slums of kampala i work with a group of other
people but due to lack of a camera i cant give you the best reports as
these photos that i have put in  here have been taken with my phone
hope it will be of help to you sir, still keeping you in my prayers
and for Kenya specifically since its stability is very important fro
our country Uganda and your coming we are actually preparing and
anticipating to receive you and take you to supervise some of the
preaching points in Uganda that we have been coordinating.

Sister Esther... top  coordinator, missions meetings, training

Wawoo this is great my brother  praise be to God and many thanks for this  work i have finished the training also and many things have happened i saw the hand of the lord  Pr Robert hope to finish with the photos and send them to you wawoo this year it are year of children of God to stand in their gets     

God bless you we shall talk later

yrs Esther

E Africa, Bro Isaac grateful for FBF to ministries, orphans etc...

May The Lord God Almighty Abba Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit bless you my dear friend.

Numbers 6:24-26

"The LORD bless you and keep you;the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace." my dad Robert  the way agree to stand with my family so that we can get ours we love you so much and the work you are doing in the lord. and also take care for my family ministry, am sure one day you are coming to visit us here kenya we need you here to meet face to face again my dad Robert, and minister to God,s people ican not wait we need you and such message which God in your heart to share with us most welcome kenya. may the lord open all your ways my beloved dad Robert please my dad Robert am keep  secret between you and my family no one else. we love you my dad the way you are great blessing in our life am sure poor must go way from our life thank you so much again your support my spiritual dad.
and the way agree to help my family daily basic need may the lord open doors for you.
your pastor isaac and eunice khaemba

Tanzania, Bro Michael, prayer and fasting for events... much encouraged....

Dear beloved  father Robert
Thank you for your good message lnfact it encourage and bless me so much .
About Rwanda -Burundi Report ,l will prepare it if get  a good chance  and l will send it to you  we are now love prayers of twenty five   days and during  this period we are going to pray also for your meeting.
About church project ,we are going well and about bricks there are many bricks near by around our church and they always asks whether we can buy there bricks  we have no fund at present .
We shall talk soon
your  son  Michael

Kenya, Bro Martin and Patricia ... salvation report

Glory to God for what a wonderful ministry He has put in your life.
  Father and mentor of many around Africa and other continents, Am inspired  with what God is doing through you and other brethren s { SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF THUNDER}
May God bless what He began through you. We had an open air meeting at Malaha market on 15--18 Nov 2011 and 6 -10 Dec.2011 In Kakamega Muliro Garden .The MALAHA CRUSADE left a very great impact.Malaha is a very known place because of w hitch craft .God released His people from the bondage of witch craft and many about 80 people gave their lives to christ.
   Am re guesting that you sent BANNERS , BULL HORNS and any other costume to help during this functions. Also i have seen the need for the DIGITAL VIDEO CAMERA which can capture what is done on the ground. We need more of your prayers
   May Jehovah God bless you. Have a pleasant DECEMBER.
             Your son and daughter Martin and Patricia.
 DR Congo, Bro Moise update building project... prayer requests
Subject: Re : Pastoral Letter   

Greetings Pastor Robert:
Dear Sir,
just to greet you in Jesus Name and telling you that we are doing well, preaching the gospel, as i told you that we has been building the church in the village of Nyangezi, here are the pictures of that building, we have already the iron sheets, only the windows and the doors which left. this is the village where the wichcraft spirit was leading but since we starded preaching here we have been seeing God's hand doing miracles.
so, please pray for us and for our country.                               
Yours in Jesus Name
Pastor Moses
Burumdi, Bro Elie, Revival report...
Dear my dad,
Again receive my greetings from Burundi thank you so much for your prayer you praying for me and my team after two month in 7 provence of Burundi now I am come back to Bujumbura.
I start in Bururi provence when we preaching in different erea my people receive christ truth FBF the Pastors and church leader receive us  well the churches in that provence growing day by day.
also we will continuing our mission in Karusi provence from Bururi to Karusi it is 300km I travel with my team we spent 5 days there about 50 people receive christ.
Kayanza provence  100km from Karusi we preached in the village the people received the word of God.
Bubanza provence the peoples recived us well we work with the Pastors in that provence
but in this provence they have the problems for geting a churches becouse they was in the war for long time after Bubanza,Ruziba,Kabezi ,Mayemba,Rweza,kayosha,salongo all provence receive us well ... 521 received Jesus christ all glory be to God
pease we need your prayer for every day in this work.
about the injection you send to me I spent for transport  now we trust God for next mission becouse we plan to leave here on 25th,novemer we will be to Kirundo provence for the FBF mission actually here in Burundi the churches growing day by day truth FBF
we pray God bless you and continuing open door for you thank you hope to hear from you soon.

Yours in Kingdom
Pastor  Elie
   Coodinator  FBF/Burundi

 Uganda, Sis Esther... more requests for the team to stay longer, for training... prayer.
Hello man of God ,
Greetings and thanks very much for this great work you are doing vi thank God very much who is helping us to be used as his versal praise him , am very sorry for much silence as i told you before i have been deep in the villages , but the work iss very great you remember i had talked of trainings every Thursday but now i was forced to add Mondays and Wednesday  thanks once again for encouragiung me for doing this great job hope to send you the report in JESUS name,
Yrs Esther

 Bro John prays for the mission to come to his area in Tanzania,

Thanks for the Pastoral Letter.  It's an encouragement to us. 
I am believing that one day you will be able to preach in my village in Nzega District- Tanzania.  Am still praying for that.

W Kenya, Bro Isaac bears his heart, and asks prayer for his wife...
My dear friend in Christ Jesus, dad Robert
May the Lords blessings be upon you always.

In Jesus, we have His Spirit of Lovingkindness within us.
Whatever trials or tribulations befall upon us, we only have to call upon His name, and He is there for us. Comforting, guiding and reassuring any doubts we may have of being alone. today itook my wife to hospital  check up doctor say malaria and chest problem through please pray for him now she feel better thank you so much your prayers and surpoting us... you are loving dad for my family orphans ministry am sure soon she shall be ok my loving dad Robert we are praying the work you are doing to carry the word of God difference country  all over the world

My Lord, God, my Father, I ask for forgiveness. I beseech thee, in all humbleness, and fear, as moments of testing in faith and the ability to overcome Spiritual battles with the evil one.
Let Your love shower upon my soul. May I not waver from the path, Allow my heart to be of a renewed strength in You.

Praise be to God, .

yours pastor friend.
isaac and eunice

Much emphasis is given by our LORD and the Apostles in their teaching on the importance of the PREACHING or DECLARING the Gospel of Jesus Christ!  It is the POWER of God on earth as given to men (Rom 1.16)... as it provides the most coverage in every area.

The words used for PREACH, PREACHING carry with it the Open Air Proclamation just as a TOWN CRIER!  It is never a 2 eay conversation... but a DECLARATION TO ALL!  The Church Bride of Christ is to be the VOICE of the Bride and the Bridegroom in this untoward generation.

It has been, and remains the privilege of this ministry to expose men to this dimension of the Gospel as prescribed by our LORD JESUS CHRIST!   May we present the Truth in Love... as Jesus did.  Amen.
Mark 16:15-16, 1:14,  Matt 9:35, 24:12-14,  Luke 4:18, 4:43, 24:47,  
 Acts 5:42, 10:42, 1 Cor 1:18

FBF Admin Staff, Bro Robert edit

FBF - Sons of thunder - Time for Christ

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 we welcome all your comments and inquires  ~