Wednesday, June 11, 2014



Living in Rwanda has certainly had a good effect on me... the ministry thrives here in E Africa, and I have gotten used to living in the tropics where everything grows here and it is all naturally organic!  You would find it good too.  You are welcome to come visit anytime, as Rwanda is safe, clean, quiet and enjoyably refreshing... also cheap/ comparatively speaking!  There are 5 star hotels here for reference... Radisson, Casa Blanca, Hilton...etc....

Having been working in and with African missions now for the best part of 10 years has it’s advantages.  Now, FBF is in 16 nations... working on 3 others... with over 3000 churches and ministries in advancing the Kingdom of God!  We have been teaching a strictly simple gospel that reflects the Book of Acts Church which we have as actual Church history.  We teach a non-denominial church... with all the leaders becoming ‘tent-makers... I have been involved with investments in telecommunications which has supplied some of my needs since August.
FBF works with the homeless, street-children left behind from long periods of war, aids, genocide, etc... because they are ubiquitous here.  In my own neighborhood There several widows with small children who have no home and depend on selling fruit daily for sustenance... they know me well by now...  and there are about 8 or so street boys who come around frequently... because most do not help them.   If you should so be inclined, be a part of this mission by keeping them in your prayers and or support.  There is never enough on this end.
Hope Vocational Training Centre
New Class of 2014-2015   All are present for morning bible study at 7:30
~   Graduating class of 149 students Feb 2014   ~
This is Rwanda’s Future... which, we have a direct hand in!
FBF also is involved in putting together Vocational Training Centres... with 3 in Kenya, one start in Tanzania, one in planning phase in Kampala, Uganda... and one in Kabuga, Rwanda, where I worked daily for 4.5 months in administrations and overseeing 3 building projects... along with preaching in churches, market places, bus terminals (which are big here like airports in the western world)... and city centres.  All the while teaching and discipling men in the Open Air Preaching, new church plants for all the fruit of revival activities, and helping the local churches to get financing from local businesses and leaders for their operation and the care of their local poor.  There is much work to do in these areas... but, this IS THE GOSPEL and CHURCH work of Jesus Christ where ever we are... Amen?   The work is very fulfilling here at this time.  Again, we at FBF thank you all for your faithful praying and support, as every nickel helps with the bigger picture.  There are many concerns regarding transportation, training, evangelistic tools (banners, megaphones, clothing, food for the poor and underprivileged) ... and the many printing needs for local language bible/ New Testament/ tracks/ card needs.
Discipleship and the Open Air Preaching is on going at all times.  Revival is here and this keep us busy... It’s more than exciting!

This is Bro Emile... a recent disciple and very good at working in the streets.
He is here seen learning how to use a megaphone...
We had been working in this market place all afternoon.  There was a
tremendous response in 3 places!

This is what your mission is doing for you & THE GOSPEL in E Africa.
Thank you for your faithful prayer support.