Seeking First the Kingdom,
and His Righteousness
* MATT 11 –
My Beloved Brethren...
be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the LORD, for as
much as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the LORD.
1 Cor. 15:58
The apostle Paul said that the last days would be filled with "perilous times!" But the apostle was NOT talking about famines, earth quakes, plagues, Nuclear War and the like... but that MEN shall be lovers of SELF... COVETOUS.... BOASTERS!!" 2 Tim 3:1-17
What did Paul say would be Perilous? PROUD MEN!! Oh my brethren... they are here now! You know some of these people already! And because they are in such a state, they will do things that will demonstrate that they are not of Jesus Christ... but rather that they serve a different god... the god of MONEY! Yes... they will be scheming, wheeling and dealing just to get more... and placing others in the bondage of their schemes too!
My beloved brethren... BEWARE, and take care! Do not participate in their schemes... as they are blind guides leading astray the blind! That prosperity gospel is swallowing whole many more than can be counted! Indeed... the coming currency collapse will be a judgement on men like this who teach others to get into DEBT! For they themselves are deceived and are deceiving others. Turn away from such men, schemes and teachings. Jesus never taught his followers to do such things.
The one Debt that the Bride of Christ has in this day is our great Debt to Christ Jesus who paid the ransom of our great sin with His own BLOOD! Amen. Because of Him, we teach men and women everywhere to Trust His Salvation... NOT the World's!
No man can serve two masters Jesus taught! The world can bring carnal pleasure for a short time. The Lord Jesus grants us a salvation "Without End!!!" Amen. Today, people are making their choice.
For: If ANY MAN love the world... the LOVE of the Father is NOT in him!! LOVE NOT the world... neither the things that are in the world... for ALL that is in the World: the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is NOT of the Father, but is of the world. 1 Jn 2:15-18
Indeed, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is calling His Church Bride to humble brokenness of heart and spirit, for the purposes of intercession in this late hour. Let us press into such a calling... praying without ceasing. Amen. Bro Robert
We at FBF would like to Thank you again for your prayers and encouragements as the Teams in East, Central, South and Western Africa are experiencing many advances and serious revival that continues in the East and Central sections... all Glory to God! East India continues to open up new territories with the Gospel, and the Open Air preach continues in the US. All teams are training new recruits at this time. We thank the LORD for the good work of participating with His Kingdom advance... and with all His Church Bride who is eagerly awaiting His soon return. This is the hour for all of God’s children to ‘rise up’ for the gospel of Jesus Christ! It’s TIME to do all we can in Christ. His return is more certain than ever before! Amen.
What did Paul say would be Perilous? PROUD MEN!! Oh my brethren... they are here now! You know some of these people already! And because they are in such a state, they will do things that will demonstrate that they are not of Jesus Christ... but rather that they serve a different god... the god of MONEY! Yes... they will be scheming, wheeling and dealing just to get more... and placing others in the bondage of their schemes too!
My beloved brethren... BEWARE, and take care! Do not participate in their schemes... as they are blind guides leading astray the blind! That prosperity gospel is swallowing whole many more than can be counted! Indeed... the coming currency collapse will be a judgement on men like this who teach others to get into DEBT! For they themselves are deceived and are deceiving others. Turn away from such men, schemes and teachings. Jesus never taught his followers to do such things.
The one Debt that the Bride of Christ has in this day is our great Debt to Christ Jesus who paid the ransom of our great sin with His own BLOOD! Amen. Because of Him, we teach men and women everywhere to Trust His Salvation... NOT the World's!
No man can serve two masters Jesus taught! The world can bring carnal pleasure for a short time. The Lord Jesus grants us a salvation "Without End!!!" Amen. Today, people are making their choice.
For: If ANY MAN love the world... the LOVE of the Father is NOT in him!! LOVE NOT the world... neither the things that are in the world... for ALL that is in the World: the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is NOT of the Father, but is of the world. 1 Jn 2:15-18
Indeed, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is calling His Church Bride to humble brokenness of heart and spirit, for the purposes of intercession in this late hour. Let us press into such a calling... praying without ceasing. Amen. Bro Robert
We at FBF would like to Thank you again for your prayers and encouragements as the Teams in East, Central, South and Western Africa are experiencing many advances and serious revival that continues in the East and Central sections... all Glory to God! East India continues to open up new territories with the Gospel, and the Open Air preach continues in the US. All teams are training new recruits at this time. We thank the LORD for the good work of participating with His Kingdom advance... and with all His Church Bride who is eagerly awaiting His soon return. This is the hour for all of God’s children to ‘rise up’ for the gospel of Jesus Christ! It’s TIME to do all we can in Christ. His return is more certain than ever before! Amen.
The focus of
the Pastoral Letter (PL) is along the lines of generally edifying and
encouraging Preachers to establish more of Christ in our lives, promoting the
Kingdom of God where ever we go, Establishing God fearing Churches, mission
updates (Africa, India, US), missions reports, focus points, teaching,
exposition, a short list of mail-ins (with some excerpts). We are committed to
the Great Co-Mission for all, as being salt and light are not an option in the
church of Jesus Christ. Matt 5:13-16 ... We continue to bless all those who are at
work in the advancement of the Kingdom of God... for Jesus sake. We continue to
call all men to Jesus, and to the simplicity of Christ that we find in the Book
of Acts Church... to His Glory and Praise!
Acts 2:42, 46-47, Mark
May the LORD
leave His richest blessings upon each one of you as you Press On with
"'Not called!'
did you say? 'Not heard the call,' I think you should say.
Put your ear down to the Bible, and hear Him bid you go and pull sinners out of
the fire of sin. Put your ear down to the burdened, agonized heart of humanity,
and listen to its pitiful wail for help. Go stand by the gates of hell, and hear
the damned entreat you to go to their father's house and bid their brothers and
sisters and servants and masters not to come there. Then look Christ in the face
— whose mercy you have professed to obey — and tell Him whether you will join
heart and soul and body and circumstances in the march to publish His mercy to
the world.
~William Booth, founder of the Salvation
Brother Prasanna Harvest Report
"I will call upon the Lord, who is
worthy to be praised; so shall I be saved
from my enemies. ... In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried out to my
God; He heard my voice from His temple, and my cry entered His
ears" (2 Samuel 22:4,7).
Praise the lord!
Greetings to you in the Holy name of
our lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you very much for your holy
prayers and continue love over us. Your continued Holy prayer and encouraging
words are enable us to reach more people day by day through the preaching of The Word of God, door to door, village to
village, person to person with love of Jesus WHO HAVE NEVER HEARD OF JESUS CHRIST!
! We had 2 days night crusade meetings in different areas among the tribal peoples and thick forest area have tigers. We have floods in our area but still the burden of God has given to us make to reach these with the love of Jesus.
Almost 1400 people attend to Night Crusade meetings among
them most of are first time heard about Jesus Christ, God was speaking
to them through word of God so that they give their life to Jesus Christ
and out of them about 50 people are saved, some free from sickness, some
free from demons, some are free from curse , some are free from
bondage cast, some are free from witchcraft and so on ... And many
came forward to give their life to Jesus in the alter call and also
many came forward give testimonies what God did to them after
coming to this Night Crusade meetings and they are going to leave
their idols like (snakes, monkey , elephant, trees, dog, etc…) and
want to baptism immediately and follow Jesus Christ
alone. we distributed 2000 Holy Bibles in crusade meetings.
We are very much thankful to God for your Holy prayers, love and Fellowship. Without help of God and without your Holy prayer we can’t do nothing in India. Dear beloved family in Jesus Christ, we request you please pray for us, encourage God’s work through your prayers, helping and coming to India to preaching to our people. YOU ARE IN OUR HEARTS AND DAILY PRAYERS.
All our orphan children, poor
widows, lepers, fellowship pastors, bibles women, sewing
women, churches and family
sending their love, prayers, and Big hugs to you all.
Your brother in
His Vineyard.
Burundi F.B.F /Prison’s Mission we
thanks for this good wook we came back from 5 prisons of Burundi all glory be
to God
“with F.B.F you can change the World”
Youth prisoned in Muravya provence
In this prison when we reached the prison receive us and we preach there all the receive the word of God .
The prison seeing we need to coming again
The children prisoned in Makamba
The Rebels imprisoned in Bujumbura
Infants prisoned in Ruyigi one of children jailed in Ruyigi prison.
We thanks the Lord for this mission
we need some your help in this mission because in all prison the life of
prisoner in not good. they receive well the word of God but they need food and
clothes. if God teach one of you please stand with us in this mission thank you
may God bless you all.
Coordinator F.B.F /Burundi Brother Elie
Some children are born in prison and others have mothers who are living in prison they need some help.
Children were recruited and used by the armed opposition group National force for Liberation Force National pour De riberation, FNL ,Government forces continued to use captured child soldiers for intelligence-gathering. Scores of children accused of membership of or support for the FNL were illegally detained and some were tortured in detention.
More context below *
Uganda - Encouragements & Exhortations
A Call to Prayer
Bro Wachana
Greetings my dear brother Robert
and fellow co-labourers in Christ. May the lord bless you richly.
Dear brother I am so blessed at
your excellent instruction and encouragement, in fact we must be careful that we
hear the right thing and don’t listen to wrong thing (2corinthian 10:5,6). The
devil’s wisdom is perverted (envy, strife, bitterness, confusion etc) James
3:14-16. Revelation 20:3, he deceives the nations and those that don’t really
know God is filled with pride. Thy heart was lifted up because of thy beauty,
brings thoughts to the mind of people that are contrary to God’s word.
He places his children among God’s children (tares) to try to stop the gospel of Jesus Christ from going forth Matthew 13:37-40… came to kill, steal and destroy. John 10:10 I kindly do request all the FBF Saints to stand with us in prayers both Busia Uganda and Kenya boarder.
He places his children among God’s children (tares) to try to stop the gospel of Jesus Christ from going forth Matthew 13:37-40… came to kill, steal and destroy. John 10:10 I kindly do request all the FBF Saints to stand with us in prayers both Busia Uganda and Kenya boarder.
May the Lord ever bless you our
beloved and faithfully mentor.
I remain yours servant and
brother in the bonds of the gospel of Jesus Christ
Greetings My Beloved Brother Robert.
God bless you with much Grace for all you are doing for God.
ATTENTION: FBF Uganda regional shall have a 2-day
praying in private, which will take place at Muwayo FBF centre on October1and
2nd, 2012.
when FBF believers come together to seek the Lord earnestly about a specific
matter, it is often helpful if we can be in the privacy of home where the door
is shut and we can collectively cry out to God. Apparently this was the way the
early Christians prayed when they were making earnest supplication to God for
the release of Peter from prison (acts 12:5, 12-16). There is wisdom in Jesus
encouragement to pray in secret, not only that we might avoid hypocrisy, but
also that we might not be distracted by the presence of other people and
therefore modify our prayers to suit what we think they will except to hear.
When, we are truly alone with God, in the privacy of a room to which we have
‘shut the door ‘(matt 6:6), then we can pour out our hearts to Him. Our Lord
Jesus Christ frequently went out into solitary places to be alone to pray (Luke
are our prayer requests in those two days mentioned above.
Firstly is to thank God for our beloved FBF founder
brother Ephrata.
Secondly to pray for our written vision.
Thirdly to pray for the F.B.F ministry expansion in
Uganda and beyond.
Finally to pray for the churches which are working under
F.B.F in Uganda regional and all the saints.
remain yours by saying that Christ is the only perfect sacrifice and the true
High priest, who brings forgiveness once and for all. Amen.
By faith Moses, when he had grown
up, refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. He chose to be
mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the pleasures of
sin for a short time. He regarded the disgrace of Christ as of greater value
than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking a head for his reward
(Hebrews 11:24-27)
Another example of faith….
Abraham- was willing to pioneer an
entire race of people, leaving everything he was familiar with, and then was
willing to sacrifice his son at the bidding of God.
I remain yours in the Lord Jesus
BRO WACHANA B - Uganda Regional
Thank you for you message in brotherly love, Iam praying for you. We have
45 Churches in Uganda and in Sudan we have 4 Churches, and its a lot of work for
me here in Africa, I am praying so that God bless bless his work.
On side of photos ,they are coming any day from today.
I love and I am praying for you.
Senior Pastor David O
Thank you for standing with the FBF Team in this ministry...
your co-laboring makes all the difference. Amen.
(Matthew 11:1) And it came to pass, when Jesus had made an
end of commanding his twelve disciples, he departed thence to teach and to
preach in their cities.
sent the twelve on the special temporary mission to the house of Israel, Jesus departed from there to teach and to preach in
the cities of Galilee where the
disciples had previously lived.
(Matthew 11:2) Now when John had heard in the prison the
works of Christ, he sent two of his disciples,
John the Baptist (not John the disciple) was imprisoned by
Herod in the Fort of Macherus.
(Matthew 11:3) And said unto him, Art thou he that should
come, or do we look for another?
is a difference of opinions on what this verse means. There are those who say that John suffered a
temporary lapse of faith and that is why he sent two of his disciples to ask if Jesus really was the One
the prophets had promised, or if they should still be looking for the Anointed
One. On the other hand there are others
who say that John sent these disciples not
for himself, but for them for a training mission. This seems to be the truest interpretation of
this verse as God Himself pointed out to John from heaven (John 1:33) that
Jesus is the Promised One. It is
difficult to think that John would still have doubts regarding Jesus’ identity
after this event.
(Matthew 11:4-5) Jesus answered and said unto them, Go and shew John again those things which ye do hear and see:
The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the
lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor
have the gospel preached to them.
answered by reminding them that He was performing the miracles predicted of the
Messiah: The blind see (Isa 35:5); the
lame walk (Isa 35:6); lepers are cleansed (Isa 53:4); the
deaf hear (Isa 35:5); the dead are raised up (not prophesied
of the Messiah; it was greater than the predicted miracles). Jesus also reminded John that the gospel was being preached to the poor in fulfilment of the Messianic prophecy in Isa 61:1. Usually
religious leaders often concentrate their attention on the wealthy and the upper-class
people. The Messiah brought good news to
the poor.
(Matthew 11:6) And blessed is
he, whosoever
shall not be offended in me.
other lips this would be the boast of the ultimate egomaniac. On Jesus' lips, it is the lawful expression of
His personal perfection. Instead of
appearing as a colourful military general, the Messiah had come as a humble
Carpenter. His gentleness, lowliness,
and humiliation were out of character with the prevailing image of the militant
Messiah. Men who were guided by fleshly
desires might doubt His claim to kingship. But God's blessing would rest on those who, by
spiritual insight, recognized Jesus of Nazareth as the promised Messiah.
(Matthew 11:7-8) And as they departed, Jesus began to say unto
the multitudes concerning John, What went ye out into
the wilderness to see? A reed shaken with the wind? But what went ye out for to see? A man clothed in soft
raiment? behold, they that wear soft clothing
are in kings' houses.
soon as John's disciples departed
with Jesus' words of reassurance, the Lord turned to the multitudes with words of glowing praise for the Baptist. This same crowd had flocked to the desert when
John was preaching there. Why? To see
some weak, wavering reed of a
man, shaken by every passing wind of human opinion? Certainly not! John was a fearless preacher, an embodied
conscience, who would rather suffer than be silent, and rather die than lie. Had they gone out to see a well-dressed palace flatterer, indulging in comfort? Certainly not! John was a simple man of God whose serious
life was a rebuke to the enormous worldliness of the people.
(Matthew 11:9) But what went ye out
for to see? A prophet? yea, I say unto you, and more than a prophet.
was a prophet—in fact, the greatest of the prophets. The Lord did not imply here that he was
greater as to his personal character, eloquence, or persuasiveness; he was
greater because of his position as forerunner of the Messiah-King.
(Matthew 11:10) For this is he, of whom it is
written, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy
way before thee.
was the fulfilment of Malachi's prophecy (Mal 3:1)—the
messenger who would pave the way
for the Lord and prepare the
people for His coming. Other men had
prophesied the Coming of Christ, but John was the one chosen to announce His
actual arrival. It has been well said,
“John opened the way for Christ and then he got out of the way
for Christ.”
(Matthew 11:11) Verily I say unto
you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John
the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is
greater than he.
statement proves that Jesus was speaking of John's privilege, not his
character. A person who is least in the kingdom of heaven
does not necessarily have a better character than John, but he does have greater privilege. To be a citizen of the kingdom is greater than
to announce its arrival. John's
privilege was great in preparing the way for the Lord, but he did not live to
enjoy the blessings of the kingdom.
(Matthew 11:12) And from the days of
John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the
violent take it by force.
statement is capable of two interpretations. First, the foes of the kingdom did their best
to take the kingdom in order to destroy it. Their rejection of John foreshadowed the
rejection of the King Himself and thus of the kingdom. But it may also mean that those who were ready
for the King's arrival responded enthusiastically to the announcement and
strained every muscle to enter. This is
the meaning in Luke 16:16: “The
law and the prophets were until John. Since that time the kingdom of God has
been preached, and everyone is pressing into it.” Here the kingdom is pictured as a besieged
city, with all classes of men hammering at it from the outside, trying to get
in. A certain spiritual violence is
meaning one adopts, the thought is that John's preaching touched off a violent
reaction, with widespread and deep effects.
(Matthew 11:13) For all the prophets
and the law prophesied until John.
entire volume from Genesis to Malachi predicted the coming of the Messiah. When John stepped out on the stage of history,
his unique role was not just prophecy; it was announcing the fulfilment of all
the prophecies concerning Christ's First Coming.
(Matthew 11:14) And if ye will
receive it, this is Elias, which was for to come.
had predicted that before Messiah's appearance, Elijah would come as a
forerunner (Mal 4:5-6). If the people had been willing to receive Jesus as Messiah, John would have filled the
role of Elijah. John was not Elijah reincarnated—he denied
being Elijah in John 1:21 - he went before
Christ in the spirit and power of Elijah (Luk 1:17). Furthermore, Elijah does not fit the reincarnation model for another reason—he did
not die. He was taken to heaven like Enoch,
who did not “see death” (2 Kings 2:11 ; cf. Heb. 11:5 ). According to traditional reincarnation, one
must first die before he can be reincarnated into another body. Besides, Hebrews 9:27 clearly refutes the
belief of reincarnation: “it is appointed unto men once to die, but
after this the judgment”.
(Matthew 11:15) He that hath ears to
hear, let him hear.
all appreciated John the Baptist or understood the deep importance of his
ministry. Therefore the Lord added, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!”
In other words, pay attention. Don't miss the meaning of what you are
hearing. If John fulfilled the prophecy
concerning Elijah, then Jesus was the promised Messiah! In thus endorsing John the Baptist, Jesus was
reaffirming His claim to be the Christ of God. To accept one would lead to acceptance of the
(Matthew 11:16-17) But whereunto shall I
liken this generation? It is like unto children sitting in the markets, and
calling unto their fellows, And saying, We have
piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned unto you, and ye have
not lamented.
The generation to whom Jesus was speaking
was not interested in accepting either Him or John. The Jews who were privileged to see the Coming
of their Messiah-King had no pleasure for Him or His forerunner. They were a mystery. Jesus compared them to irritable children sitting in the marketplaces
who refused to be satisfied with any offers. If their friends wanted to pipe so they could dance, they refused. If their friends wanted to play-act a funeral,
they refused to lament.
(Matthew 11:18-19) For John came neither
eating nor drinking, and they say, He hath a devil. The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold
a man gluttonous, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners. But
wisdom is justified of her children.
came as an ascetic (a person who is almost Spartan-like), and the Jews accused
him of being demon-possessed. The Son of Man, on the other hand, ate
and drank in a normal manner. If John's self-denial
made them uncomfortable, then surely they would be pleased with Jesus' more
ordinary eating habits. But no! They called Him a glutton, a drunkard, a
friend of tax-collectors and sinners. Of course, Jesus never ate or drank to excess;
their charge was a total lie. It is true
that He was a friend of tax-collectors
and sinners, but not in the way they meant. He befriended sinners in order to save them
from their sins, but He never shared or approved their sins.
“But wisdom is
justified of her children.” The Lord Jesus, of course, is
Wisdom in the flesh (1 Cor 1:30). Though unbelieving men might slander Him, He
is justified in His works and in the lives of His followers. Though the mass of the Jews might refuse to
acknowledge Him as Messiah-King, His claims were completely proved by His
miracles and by the spiritual transformation of His devoted disciples.
(Matthew 11:20) Then began he to upbraid the cities wherein
most of his mighty works were done, because they repented not:
privilege brings great responsibility. No cities were ever more privileged than
Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum. The
incarnate Son of God had walked their dusty lanes, taught their favoured
people, and performed most of His mighty
works within their walls. In the
face of this overwhelming evidence, they had stubbornly refused to repent. Little wonder, then, that the Lord should
pronounce the most serious doom upon them.
(Matthew 11:21) Woe unto thee,
Chorazin! woe unto thee, Bethsaida! for if the mighty works, which were done in
you, had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in
sackcloth and ashes.
began with Chorazin and Bethsaida. These cities had heard the gracious appeals of
their Savior-God, yet wilfully turned Him away. His mind returned to the cities of Tyre and Sidon which had fallen under
the judgment of God because of their idolatry and wickedness. If they had been privileged to see the
miracles of Jesus, they would have humbled themselves in deepest repentance. In the
Day of Judgment, therefore, Tyre
and Sidon would fare better than Chorazin and Bethsaida.
(Matthew 11:22) But I say unto you, It
shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the day of judgment, than for
words show that there will be degrees of punishment in hell, just as there will
be degrees of reward in heaven (1 Cor 3:12-15).
The single sin that condemns men to hell
is refusal to submit to Jesus Christ (John 3:36).
But the depth of suffering in hell is
conditional on the privileges rejected and the sins indulged.
(Matthew 11:23-24) And thou, Capernaum,
which art exalted unto heaven, shalt be brought down to hell: for if the mighty
works, which have been done in thee, had been done in Sodom, it would have
remained until this day. But I say unto you, That it shall be more tolerable for the
land of Sodom in the day of judgment, than for thee.
cities had been as favoured as Capernaum.
It became Jesus' home town after His
rejection at Nazareth (Mat 9:1, cf. Mar 2:1-12), and some of His most extraordinary
miracles—irrefutable evidences of His Messiah ship—were performed there. Had abominable Sodom, the capital of
homosexuality, been so privileged, it would have repented and been spared. But Capernaum's privilege was greater. Its people should have repented and gladly
acknowledged the Lord. But Capernaum
missed its day of opportunity. Sodom's
sin of perversion was great. But no sin
is greater than Capernaum's rejection of the holy Son of God. Therefore, Sodom will not be punished as
severely as Capernaum in the Day of Judgment. Lifted up to heaven in privilege, Capernaum will be brought down to Hades in judgment. If this is true of Capernaum, how much truer
of places where Bibles abound, where the gospel is broadcast, and where few, if
any, are without excuse.
the days of our Lord, there were four prominent cities in Galilee: Chorazin,
Bethsaida, Capernaum, and Tiberias. He
pronounced woes against the first three but not Tiberias. What has been the result? The destruction of Chorazin and Bethsaida is
so complete that their exact sites are unknown. The location of Capernaum is not positive. Tiberias still stands. This remarkable fulfilment of prophecy is one
more evidence of the Savior's omniscience and the Bible's inspiration.
(Matthew 11:25) At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because
thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them
unto babes.
“Wise and prudent” does not refer to the truly wise and prudent, but to those
as the world sees them as wise and prudent.
(Matthew 11:26) Even so, Father: for
so it seemed good in thy sight.
three cities of Galilee had neither eyes to see nor heart to love the Christ of
God. He knew their attitude was but a
foretaste of rejection on a wider scale. How did He react to their impenitence? Not with bitterness, pessimism, or unkindness.
Rather He lifted His voice in thanks to
God that nothing could frustrate His sovereign purposes.
should avoid two possible misunderstandings. First, Jesus was not expressing pleasure in
the unavoidable judgment of the Galilean cities. Secondly, He did not imply that God had
high-handedly withheld the light from the wise and prudent.
cities had every chance to welcome the Lord Jesus. They deliberately refused to submit to Him. When they refused the light, God withheld the
light from them. But God's plans will
not fail. If the intellectuals will not
believe, then God will reveal Him to humble hearts. He fills the hungry with good things and sends
the rich away empty (Luk 1:53).
who consider themselves too wise and understanding to need Christ become
afflicted with spiritual blindness. But
those who admit their lack of wisdom receive a revelation of Him “in whom are hidden all the treasures of
wisdom and knowledge” (Col 2:3). Jesus thanked the Father for ordaining that if
some would not have Him, others would. In the face of enormous unbelief He found comfort
in the overruling plan and purpose of God.
(Matthew 11:27) All things are
delivered unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father;
neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son
will reveal him.
All things had been delivered to
Christ by His Father. This would be an arrogant claim from anyone
else, but from the Lord Jesus it is a simple statement of truth. At that moment, with opposition rising, it did
not appear that He was in control; nonetheless it was true. The program of His life was moving
irresistibly toward eventual glorious triumph. “No one knows the Son except the Father.”
There is incomprehensible mystery about
the Person of Christ. The union of deity
and humanity in one Person raises problems that boggle the human mind. For instance, there is the problem of death. God cannot die. Yet Jesus is God and Jesus died. And yet His divine and human natures are
inseparable. So although we can know Him
and love Him and trust Him, there is a sense in which only the Father can truly
understand Him.
“Nor does anyone know the Father except the
Son and he to whom the Son wills to reveal Him.” The
Father, too, is mysterious. Ultimately,
only God is great enough to understand God. Man cannot know Him by his own strength or
intellect. But the Lord Jesus can and
does reveal the Father to those whom He chooses. Whoever comes to know the Son comes to know
the Father also (Joh 14:7).
after saying all this, we must confess that in seeking to explain verse 27, we
are dealing with truths too high for us. We see in a mirror dimly. Not even in eternity will our limited minds be
able to fully appreciate the greatness of God or understand the mystery of the
Incarnation (of His becoming Man). When
we read that the Father is revealed only to those whom the Son chooses, we
might be tempted to think of an random selection of a favoured few. The following verse guards against such an
(Matthew 11:28) Come unto me, all
ye that labour
and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Lord Jesus issues a universal invitation to all who are weary and heavy laden
to come to Him for rest. In other words,
the ones to whom He chooses to reveal the Father are those who trust Him as
Lord and Savior. As we examine this
invitation of infinite tenderness, let us remember that it was issued after the
blatant rejection of Jesus by the favored cities of Galilee. Man's hate and obstinacy could not extinguish
His love and grace. Although the nation
of Israel is moving toward the trial of divine judgment, the King throws open
wide the door of personal salvation. And
thus He proves that He is a God of grace, even on the verge of judgment. In order to truly come to Jesus, a person
must admit that he is burdened with the weight of sin. Only those who acknowledge they are lost can
be saved. Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ
is preceded by repentance toward God. Notice
that rest here is a gift; it is
unearned and undeserved. This is the rest
of salvation that comes from realizing that Christ finished the work of
redemption on Calvary's cross. It is the
rest of conscience that follows the realization that the penalty of
one's sins has been paid once for all and that God will not demand payment
(Matthew 11:29) Take my yoke upon
you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest
unto your souls.
In verses 29 and 30, the invitation changes
from salvation to service. To “take My yoke upon you” means to enter into submission to His will, to turn
over control of one's life to Him (Rom 12:1-2). The yoke
is supposed to curb the will and bring one under control.
we acknowledge His lordship in every area of our lives, He trains us in His
ways. That’s how we learn from Him. In contrast to the Pharisees who were harsh
and proud, the true Teacher is meek and
lowly. Those who take His yoke
will learn to take the lowest place. The
rest that we will find for our souls is not the rest of conscience but the rest
of heart that is found by taking the lowest place before God and man. It is also the rest that one experiences in
the service of Christ when he stops trying to be great.
(Matthew 11:30) For my yoke is easy, and my burden is
there is a striking contrast with the Pharisees. Jesus said of them, “For they bind heavy burdens and
grievous to be borne, and lay them on men's shoulders; but they themselves will
not move them with one of their fingers.” (Mat
23:4). Jesus' yoke is easy; it
does not irritate. Someone has suggested
that if Jesus had had a sign outside His carpenter's shop, it would have read, “My yokes fit well.”
His burden is light. This does not mean that there are no problems,
trials, labour, or heartaches in the Christian life. But it does mean that we do not have to bear
them alone. We are yoked with One who
gives sufficient grace for every time of need. To serve Him is not bondage but perfect
freedom. The fatal mistake for the
believer is to seek to bear life's load in a single collar. God never intended a man to carry his burden
alone. Christ therefore deals only in
yokes! A yoke is a neck harness for
two, and the Lord himself pleads to be One of the two. He wants to share the labour of any annoying
task. The secret of peace and victory in
the Christian life is found in putting off the taxing collar of “self” and
accepting the Master's relaxing “yoke.”
FBF Staff
The 2001 Arusha Peace and Reconciliation Agreement for Burundi was
the starting point for a political transition to end more than a decade of civil
war. In October 2003 a power-sharing agreement (Pretoria Agreement) was signed
by the government and the opposition National Council for the Defence of
Democracy – Forces for the Defence of Democracy (Conseil national pour la
défense de la démocratie – Forces pour la Défense de la Démocratie, CNDD-FDD
(Nkurunziza)). In November a new, inclusive government was established after a
second Pretoria agreement granted the forces of both sides immunity from
prosecution.1 In 2005 the CNDD-FDD won parliamentary and local administrative
elections. Pierre Nkurunziza, head of the CNDD-FDD, was elected president in
August 2005.2 Fighting between government forces and the one remaining armed
group, the National Liberation Forces (Forces Nationales de Libération, FNL),
continued sporadically. In June 2006 the government and the FNL signed an
agreement on the restoration of peace and security. In September the same year a
Comprehensive Ceasefire Agreement between the two parties set a date for the
cessation of hostilities and established army integration and demobilization
procedures. The agreement created a joint verification and monitoring mechanism
(JVMM) and an African Union special task force to protect FNL leaders and move
combatants to assembly areas.
The process stalled repeatedly, however. In March 2007 the FNL
suspended participation in the JVMM until various demands were met, including
the release of political prisoners and FNL incorporation into political
institutions. In July, following further negotiations, the FNL delegation left
the capital, saying that it would not return until army repression of its
members had ceased and agreement was reached on its political status. The
security situation deteriorated after the ceasefire agreement, with a reported
upsurge in torture, arbitrary arrest and detention of children by government
security forces, and an increase in incidents of rape and other sexual violence
by FNL members.
The United Nations peacekeeping operation (Opération des Nations
Unies au Burundi, ONUB) was deployed in June 2004, replacing the African Mission
in Burundi (AMIB). It was mandated, inter alia, to support the country’s
national disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) process, initiated
in 2003, and to ensure human rights promotion and protection, especially with
regard to women, children and other vulnerable persons. On 1 January 2007 ONUB was replaced by a UN Integrated Office in
Burundi (Bureau Intégré des Nations Unies au Burundi, BINUB), mandated to
support the government in its efforts towards long-term peace and
Much emphasis is given by our LORD and the
Apostles in their teaching on the importance of the PREACHING or DECLARING the
Gospel of Jesus Christ! It is the POWER of God on earth as given to men (Rom
1.16)... as it provides the most coverage in every area.
The words used for PREACH, PREACHING carry
with it the Open Air Proclamation just as a TOWN CRIER! It is never a 2 eay
conversation... but a DECLARATION TO ALL! The Church Bride of Christ is to be
the VOICE of the Bride and the Bridegroom in this untoward
It has been, and remains the privilege of
this ministry to expose men to this dimension of the Gospel as prescribed by our
LORD JESUS CHRIST! May we present the Truth in Love... as Jesus did.
Mark 16:15-16, 1:14, Matt 9:35, 24:12-14,
Luke 4:18, 4:43, 24:47,
Acts 5:42, 10:42, 1 Cor
FBF Admin Staff, Bro Robert
FBF - Sons of thunder -
Time for Christ
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