Saturday, December 31, 2011

Mission Review - E and South Africa - Bro James

Vision and review of progress in W & South Africa
East Africa Regional - Bro James  
Mission Report

Dear my beloved brother Robert,

I’m always excited about you and honour what God is doing through you since this is the basis of our connection when for the first time of our meeting people including Bishops and senior leaders of our Kisumu Nyanza churches rejected to accept the word of the Kingdom preached in simplicity of Christ. I took it with all humility and said I had chosen the right thing as I felt confirmation in my heart. Please dear Brother this gospel of the Kingdom has transformed my life and the life of many women, children, Pastors both senior and aspiring young pastors we are working with, church decons, network of churches and leaders across East Africa and beyond.

Since 2006 this was the year of God’s favour to the lost across Africa we got opportunity to send this message to Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Burundi. This went on to people who received the word in churches, open air declaration about Jesus, conferences and small group gathering admired to receive more and the more we shared the more doors were opening and this extended our work to Zanzibar, Zambia Rwanda, Southern Sudan now becoming the newest state birth in Africa, Southern countries of Africa and other parts of Central Africa. This Burden in our heart is always quicken by our brother and overseer Rev Robert you have been instrumental to share with us and experience together with us the fire message of the Kingdom declaring Jesus with simplicity in the villages of the land Africa.

We had these events together for East Africa mission in 2009 where we targeted 6nation declaring Jesus mission ministering in churches and at the open air places.
Many came to the Lord and the revival is still burning across to date we can’t be everywhere at the same time but keep planning to see that we do follow up to these areas and the demand for us as the work continue to expand is too needing.

Last year by the grace of God we manage to extend our feet for the gospel to many new places in these areas and now FBF missions is empowered by most reliable servants who are raise to carry on with the message in the areas of their localities. For instance geita church near the border of Burundi and Tanzania is still witnessing revival which started from the time we visited that place two year ago with 15 member and now more than 200 church leaders are impacting many lives in Christ the hope of glory.

In Kisumu Nyanza where i was born more than 421 church leaders send invitation to us daily in a month and making phone calls to share the good news that the lord is doing through the pastoral teaching from FBF which i hooked them in through emails most of their testimonies shares that this is right for the church of today.Through FBF missions we have realised that many districts still have babies food and many people are dying without the real truth of the Kingdom the good news which the gospel of Christ is still missing in our midst and those who found it cry and wants more to fill up and share the testimony Amen. Up to date with over four hundred church leaders we have planted 600 churches around Nyanza with 10,000 souls won to Christ with an aim around Africa of changing 50,000 lives by the end of next year Africa and the whole world know the Kingdom in Christ Jesus. This month i was suppose to minister ti a large crowd in Dar esaalam in Tanzania, Zanzibar, Blantyre, Zambia Lusaka, Dublin and Pretoria in South Africa. But postponed till early September it because a man rung me in the middle of the night from a remote rural areas of 60miles that he was down and turned blind so he needed Jesus and special prayers and this was an urgent one. This came to his mind and hit him hard because the previous day before a witch doctor predicted to him that his life with his wife would end in this July so he was worry and finally remembered about FBF the mission which were carry on here in Kisumu that reach are those ends of Kager.He immediately took his phone and rung our offices here in Nyanza for urgent ministry of Jesus so this is what took us to these rural areas. 

When we arrived we found him a blind man on bed could not walk and speak his wife also had a deep would which could not allow her walk but when we started calling upon Jesus of Nazareth the lion of Judah who died for our sins was scourge of our sickness and all the satanic work are defeated it was like the day of Pentecost he heard the prayers and woke up. He was touched powerfully by the hand of God and his wife also stood up something with could not happen the devil had stole now Jesus the King of Kings and Lord of Lord rose the up from the bed of illness.The good news of the Kingdom spread and this extended our time until this last Monday when we came back. During our time there it was difficult as we were walking for mostly 8-10hours to reach these people in great pain and suffering and needed Jesus as the answer to their lives. It was a long and tough walk but Jesus is always with us as wherever we went healing was taking place many lives where receiving Jesus at least 397 were the minimum to come to Jesus and confess they have accepted to be with Jesus in their lives as a committement.

As a team of five evangelists it was tough but as we continue Jesus was giving us more strength. Alice my wife was also leading a tea of daughters of thunder with 12 women proclaiming Jesus to women with husbands to keep marriage as a holy thing from the lord, widows, and orphans, children at schools and hospitals, and family problems. Yesterday when we met and prayed thanking God for all His doings amongst us we found that out of our mission we influenced and prayed for salvation to 1,112 people who gave their lives to Christ and 2,704 people received divine healing of Jesus Christ praise the lord.

Please pray for us the enemy is trying to hit us back as we have found that four of our orphanage and street children schools which contain 250 each are lacking for since food is out of stock and it is at a crucial time when drought has hit East Africa especially Kenya and Somali where women and children and wild animals are dying like slaughtered animals please pray for Kenya with high standard of life which the enemy has brought to most parts of the world.

Please we are still fresh but and these kids must eat for them to learn well and walk in the fear of God as we train them to be we also trust that they are the future FBF team who will follow the vision and extend it in the various leadership role they will take either in the Government or in the FBF missions and they will stand for the Kingdom always. Please pray for us also as we are meeting drug addicted young men who needs deliverance to see God i their situation some of them have lost hope and sense to tell them what is wrong and right which make them more harm and dangerous without the calling from God of how to handle and be with them.

Since we postpone our mission to the south till September we are having some visits of follow up to other parts western Kenya in Mt. Elgon, Bumgoma, Uganda Busia, and Nairobi Fellowship Network.
The cost of trip for these places all over western and Uganda centres will be at least $1,5000 USDOLLAR  for 25centres and the cost of the trip towards the south which will add up to$2700USDOLLAR for Tanzania 10 centres, Zanzibar 4 Centres with 8 churches, Zambia at chapataa with 5centres and 8 church networks, Lusaka with 4 church networks,Zimbambabwe, and Botswana one each, and finally South Africa with 3centres and church leaders at least 40 centres to visit and share with new places with desire to join the Kingdom. Please am sorry to share the cost with you which am always shy about but this is to shown the sacrifice which goes with sharing the good news to a friend and laying your life to them some of them their lives are turned upside down and this spreads the Kingdom of God FBF is sharing all over Africa and the world. The most needed are now tools which have taken time before giving the outreach centres to help facilitate them from the depth of their hearts in declaring Jesus to these places we have left fire burning fire for the Kingdom Amen. Jesus the same yesterday, today, forever more and HIS words and promises are yes and Amen Halleluiah!!!!!!Jesus is coming soon... 

Repent and be baptised is the message of today in this a corruptible time.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Greetings Dear Saints,

Yes... FBF, Sons of Thunder, and the Pastoral Letter has a new look and location.

We decided to centralize a bit, and make themes and additions easier to reach by just checking into the new address:

Then you can have up to the minute reviews and additions on events, Pastoral Letter developments, and Testimonies from all those who write in.

The Team at FBF continues to encourage, serve and inform  you, as we all prepare to meet Jesus Christ... in these Last days!  May the LORD ever Bless and keep you... for HE is able.  Amen.

FBF Staff

Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling... and to present you faultless before the presence of His Glory with exceeding joy...

To the ONLY WISE GOD our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever.  Amen
Jude 1:24-25